Consultation and design

Ensure that your charging site meets the expectations of EV drivers. Optimize your charging site for maximum efficiency.

Let our seasoned professionals collaborate with you to create a customized charging infrastructure blueprint. Explore the intersection of innovation and efficiency as we guide you through experienced design, ensuring your EV charging site aligns perfectly with your goals.

Key Benefits

  • Optimal Charging Site Design

    The correct design of a charging site is essential to ensure smooth operations and customer satisfaction. We offer design and consultation services to help you plan your charging field.
  • Optimized Charging Site Utilization

    Kempower can provide you with insights into the most efficient use of your charging sites. Our analysis allows us to assess your charging infrastructure’s usage and recommend optimal methods to maximize its efficiency.
  • Expertise from EV Drivers

    Allow our charging specialists to support you and share their invaluable expertise. Entrust your charging issues to our capable hands.

Assist with EV Charging System Design

Kempower’s design and consultation services are tailored to assist you in addressing the various needs and challenges associated with your chargers. For instance, we can support you in implementing and designing a charging site. A well-designed charging site is pivotal to enhancing customer satisfaction and ensuring a seamless charging experience. Additionally, our expertise allows us to evaluate existing charging sites and offer insights into optimizing their utilization for maximum efficiency.

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Kempower Solutions Support is part of the Solutions & Services function. We are specialized in the pre-sales process. Our main responsibility is to support Kempower sales and help customers, electrical designers and contractors.