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From student of technology to Chief Operations Officer at Kempower

We talked with an inspiring person from the Kempower team: Sanna Otava. Sanna is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Kempower and a former student of technology. She graduated from Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology with a thesis in energy technology & electric power systems.  

What does Sanna do as a COO at Kempower? 

As COO, Sanna is responsible for the whole supply chain at Kempower. Her job is to create and develop an operation model that allows the company to produce products in a way that generates the most revenue.   

Sanna was hired in 2019 as employee number one in the operations department, and now she is the head of the department with around 250 employees. 

Stepping into science, technology, engineering and mathematics studies 

Sanna always knew she wanted to study science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). This field made the most sense as she found math easy and engineering logical. 

When recalling which subjects during her time at LUT were most relevant to her current job, Sanna shares: 

“On a general level, I don’t think the subject itself is most important. Instead, the fact that you are practicing how to solve problems is key. How you handle all your courses, how you think and learn, those are more important for your professional career.” 

As for extra-curricular activities, Sanna was a leader of the Guild of the Energy Technology Students and a leader of different sports clubs. She believes participating in organizations like these teaches you how to cooperate with others and coordinate projects. 

Trusting the process in her career path 

Sanna’s first post-university job was at a patent and technology company as a Patent Engineer. This field for intellectual property rights requires very specific knowledge and skills. That’s when Sanna knew she wanted to move towards the more industrial sector in order to “widen her role and responsibilities.”   

Throughout her career, Sanna has worked in IPR, Telecomms, and Manufacturing industries as an Engineer, Project Manager, Business Development Manager, Director of Operations – and now, Chief Operating Officer. 

 Sanna shares that she didn’t plan her career path too strictly. 

It was important to make strategic decisions that helped her balance family life and her career at different stages, i.e. sometimes turning down higher-up positions, sometimes accepting unexpected roles.  

What’s Sanna’s advice to young professionals? Don’t be too focused on a career path.  

“Balancing is important. Trust that if you do your job very well, all those opportunities will come.” 

Breaking barriers as a woman in science, technology, engineering and math 

Sanna encourages people to work in STEM even if they feel like they won’t “belong.”  

“Trust and believe in yourself. Everybody is needed. If you know that you are skillful, trust your own ideas and how you think. You are important,” Sanna says.  

Sanna goes on to emphasize that staying true to yourself is an important part of bringing diverse experiences to the table: 

“Everyone should be like they are. There’s no need to change who you are. If you want the best outcome, you should be yourself. That’s the key.”  

In closing advice, especially to female STEM students, Sanna shares, “follow your own feelings and your own interests. If you have even some interest in something, just go. Don’t hesitate. Don’t think that you are not good enough. There are no limitations, if you are not adding those limitations yourself.”